International Journal
Jaesoon Lee and Baek-Kyu Cho, "Development of a DDP-Based Trajectory Generation Method Considering the Manipulability Measure for 6-DOF Collaborative Robots", Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, 2024. (accepted) NEW
Geono Kim, Hoon Chung, and Baek-Kyu Cho, "MOBINN: Stair-Climbing Mobile Robot With Novel Flexible Wheels," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, doi: 10.1109/TIE.2023.3319739. (youtube)
Junyeon Namgung, Yun-Ho Han, and Baek-Kyu Cho, “A Variable Stiffness Sole for Biped Robot and its Experimental Verification,” ASME. Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, pp. 1–10, 2023, doi: 10.1115/1.4062650.
Jaesoon Lee and Baek-Kyu Cho, “Design of 9-DOF humanoid arms inspired by the human’s inner shoulder to enhance versatility and workspace,” Robotics and Autonomous Systems, p. 104447, 2023, doi: 10.1016/j.robot.2023.104447.
Yun-Ho Han and Baek-Kyu Cho, "Slope Walking of Humanoid Robot without IMU Sensor on an Unknown Slope", Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2022, 104163. .
Yoon S-J, Cho B-K. Strategies for Generating Footsteps of Biped Robots in Narrow Sight. Sensors. 2022; 22(10):3817.
D. Ahn and B. -K. Cho, "Online Jumping Motion Generation via Model Predictive Control," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 69, no. 5, pp. 4957-4965, May 2022, doi: 10.1109/TIE.2021.3078396. <Link>
DongHyun Ahn and Baek-Kyu Cho, "Optimal Standing Jump Trajectory Generation for Biped Robots", International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, pp. 1-9, June, 2020. <Link>
Yun-Ho Han, Ho-Jin Jeon, and Baek-Kyu Cho, "Development of a Humanoid Robot for the 2018 Ski Robot Challenge", International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, pp. 1-12, Apr., 2020. <Link>
Jung-Yup Kim and Baek-Kyu Cho, "Development of a Lower Limb Exoskeleton Worn on the Front of a Human", Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, pp. 1-19, Jan., 2019.
Baek-Kyu Cho, DongHyun Ahn, YoungBum Jun, and Paul Oh, "A Posture Balance Controller for a Humanoid Robot using State and Disturbance-Observer-Based State Feedback", Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, pp. 1–19, Sep., 2018.
Won-Suk Ji and Baek-Kyu Cho, "Development of a walking algorithm on the uneven terrain for a hexapod robot LCR200", Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 10(7), 2018.
Baek-Kyu Cho and Jung-Yup Kim, "Dynamic Posture Stabilization of a Biped Robot SUBO-1 on Slope-changing Grounds", International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 19(7), pp. 1003-1009, 2018.
Ji-Hyun Park and Baek-Kyu Cho, "Development of a Self-balancing Robot with a Control Moment Gyroscope", International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 15(2), pp. 1729881418770865, 2018.
Paul Oh, Kiwon Sohn, Giho Jang, Youngbum Jun, and Baek-Kyu Cho, "Technical Overview of Team DRC-Hubo@UNLV's Approach to Darpa Robotics Challenge Finals 2015", Journal of Field Robotics, 00(0), pp. 1-23, 2017.
Baek-Kyu Cho et al., "Design of a Knee Exoskeleton using Foot Pressure and Knee Torque Sensors", International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Volume 12, Issue 8, 2015.
Baek-Kyu Cho, Jung-Hoon Kim, and Jun-Ho Oh, "Balancing Strategy using the Principle of Energy Conservation for a Hopping Humanoid Robot", International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, Vol. 10, No. 3, 2013.
Jae-Wook Chung, In-Ho Lee, Baek-Kyu Cho (corresponding), and Jun-Ho Oh, "Posture stabilization strategy for a trotting point-foot quadruped robot", Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 72(3-4), pp. 325-341, 2013.
Baek-Kyu Cho, and Jun-Ho Oh, "Dynamic Balance of a Hopping Humanoid Robot using a Linearization Method", International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, Volume 9, Issue 3, 2012.
Baek-Kyu Cho, Jung-Hoon Kim, and Jun-Ho Oh, “Online Balance Controllers for Running in the Humanoid Robot, HUBO2”, Advanced Robotics, Volume 25, Issue 9-10, pp. 1209-1225, 2011.
Jung-Hoon Kim, Jong-Hyun Choi, and Baek-Kyu Cho(corresponding), “Walking Pattern Generation for a Biped Walking Robot Using Convolution Sum”, Advanced Robotics, Volume 25, Issue 9-10, pp. 1115-1137, 2011.
Joh, H.-I., Ha, T.J., Hwang, S.Y., Kim, J.-H., Chae, S.-H., Cho, J.H., Prabhuram, J., Kim, S.-K., Lim, T.-H., Cho, B.-K., Oh, J.-H., Moon, S.H., Ha, H.Y, “A direct methanol fuel cell system to power a humanoid robot”, Journal of Power Sources, Volume 195, Issue 1, pp. 293-298, 2010.
Baek-Kyu Cho, Ill-Woo Park, and Jun-Ho Oh, “Running Pattern Generation of Humanoid Biped with a Fixed Point and Its Realization,” International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, Volume 6, Issue 4, pp. 631-656, Dec. 31, 2009.
Baek-Kyu Cho and Jun-Ho Oh, “Running Pattern Generation with a Fixed Point in a 2D Planar Biped,” International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, Volume 6, Issue 2, pp. 241-264, 2009.
Ill-Woo Park, Jung-Yup Kim, Baek-Kyu Cho, and Jun-Ho Oh, “Control Hardware Integration of a Biped Humanoid Robot with an Android Head,” Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 56, No. 1, pp. 95-103, Jan. 31, 2008.
Paul Oh, Kiwon Sohn, Giho Jang, Youngbum Jun, Donghyun Ahn, Juseong Shin, Baek-Kyu Cho(2018) Team DRC-Hubo@UNLV in 2015 DARPA Robotics Challenge Finals. In: Spenko M., Buerger S., Iagnemma K. (eds) The DARPA Robotics Challenge Finals: Humanoid Robots To The Rescue. Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, vol 121. Springer, Cham (Chapter).
Journal (SCOPUS)
Won-Suk Ji, Hyun Seok Kim, and Baek-Kyu Cho, "Input Stride-based Walking Strategy of a Quadruped Robot for Overcoming Uneven Terrain", Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems, 31(3), 2025. NEW
Young-Lae Cho and Baek-Kyu Cho, "Hybrid Control of Wheeled Quadryped Robot for Enhanced Mobility and Efficiency in Diverse Terrains", Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems, 30(8), 2024.
Ho-Jin Jeon, Seung-Hoon Lee, and Baek-Kyu Cho, "Development and Effectiveness Verification of a Remote Control Simulator for Enhancing Remote Robot Control Skill", Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems, 30(7), 2024.
HanSol Kim, and Baek-Kyu Cho, "Development of hybrid Manipulator for Repairing Cracks in Concrete and its Experiment", Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 155-160, 2023.
DongHyun Ahn, HyeonSeok Kim, GeonO Kim, SungJoon Yoon, HoJin Jeon, SeungJun Kim, Junyeon Namgung, SeungPyo Hong, JaeSoon Lee, and Baek-Kyu Cho, "Development of a Quadruped Robot for Participation in the Dronebot Challenge", J. Korean Soc. Precis. Eng., Vol. 38, No. 10, pp. 725-731, 2021.
Ho-Jin Jeon and Baek-Kyu Cho, "Recognition of Complex-shaped Ball using Convolutional Neural Networks", Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems , Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 354-362, 2017.
DongHyun Ahn, JuSeong Shin, Youngbum Jun, Kiwon Sohn, Giho Jang, Paul Oh, and Baek-Kyu Cho, "Strategies for Driving and Egress for the Vehicle of a Humanoid Robot in the DRC Finals 2015," Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems, Vol. 22, No. 11, pp. 912-918, 2016.
Jin-Young Kong, Jae-Soon Lee, Yeon-Sik Kang, Baek-Kyu Cho, “A Modeling and Attitude Control of an Inspection and Cleaning Robot for Wind Turbines,” Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems, Vol. 20, No. 9, pp. 922-929, 2014.
Ill-Woo Park, Baek-Kyu Cho, and Jung-Yup Kim, “A Real-time Center of Gravity Trajectory Generation of a Biped Humanoid under Variable Reference ZMP Trajectory,” Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 284-287, pp. 1734-1738, 2013.
Baek-Kyu Cho, “Experimental Approach to Hopping Pattern Generation for One-Legged Robot,” Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems, Volume 18, Issue 9, pp. 837-844, 2012.
Baek-Kyu Cho, “Stabilization of a Two-link Inverted Pendulum with a Rate Gyro,” Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems, Volume 18, Issue 1, pp. 28-34, 2012.
Conference & Workshop
Junyeon Namgung, and Baek-Kyu Cho, "Legway: Design and Development of a Transformable Wheel-Leg Hybrid Robot", International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), 2023.
Yun-Ho Han, and Baek-Kyu Cho, "Implementing torque control-based biped walking of humanoid robots with high reduction gear and no joint torque feedback", International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), 2023.
Min-Ho Park, and Baek-Kyu Cho, "Design of New Drive Mechanism for Dynamic Movement of Humanoid Robot Legs", International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), 2023.
Yun-Ho Han, Namgung Junyeon and Baek-Kyu Cho, "Walking Control Framework on Uneven Terrain Using Variable Stiffness Sole", IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2022), 2022.
Donghyun Ahn and Baek-Kyu Cho, “Optimal Periodic Hopping Trajectory Generation for Legged Robots ”, in IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2018), Jul. 9-12, Auckland, New Zealand, 2018.
Won-Bum Yoon, Baek-Kyu Cho, "Design of wearable master device for teleoperation of robot arm", in 12th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference (KRoC2017), Feb. 5~8, Pyeongchang, Gangwon, Korea, 2017.
Yun-Ho Han, So-Yeon Oh, Baek-Kyu Cho, "Humanoid robot legs designed with four-bar link structure", in 12th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference (KRoC2017), Feb. 5~8, Pyeongchang, Gangwon, Korea, 2017.
Sung-Min Han, Chang-Min Shin, Baek-Kyu Cho, "Making 3-axis Force-Torque sensor for Humanoid Robot", in 12th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference (KRoC2017), Feb. 5~8, Pyeongchang, Gangwon, Korea, 2017.
Gyeong-Min Lee, Gu-Cheol Jeong, Baek-Kyu Cho, "Hopping of 4-Link Robot with One Leg", in 12th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference (KRoC2017), Feb. 5~8, Pyeongchang, Gangwon, Korea, 2017.
Sungwoo Lee, K.-J. Hong, J.-S. Jang, and Baek-Kyu Cho, "Innovative Applications of Fiber Composites and Large-scale 3D Printer on Civil Structures", in 7th Civil Engineering Conference in the Asian Region, Hawaii, USA, 2016.
Youngbum Jun, Giho Jang, Baek-Kyu Cho, Joel Trubatch, Inhyeok Kim, Sang-Duck Seo, and Paul Y. Oh, “A Humanoid Doing an Artistic Work - Graffiti on the Wall”, in 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2016), Oct. 9-14, Daejeon, Korea, 2016.
Won-Suk Ji, Bong-Huan Jun and Baek-Kyu Cho, “Development of the Compliance Control of Hexapod Walking Robot LCR200”, in IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2016), Jul. 12-15, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 2016.
Yeun-Hee Kim and Baek-Kyu Cho, "Design child-size humanoid robots for driving and walking" in 11th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference (KRoC2016), Jan. 24-27, Pyeongchang, Gangwon, Korea, 2016.
Yeun-Hee Kim, Jinyoung Byun, Gyewon Lee and Baek-Kyu Cho, "Design Hand Exoskeleton for playing Instrument" in 11th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference (KRoC2016), Jan. 24-27, Pyeongchang, Gangwon, Korea, 2016.
Yun-ho Han and Baek-Kyu Cho, "Walking humanoid robot controlled by Complementary Filter and PD Control" in 11th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference (KRoC2016), Jan. 24-27, Pyeongchang, Gangwon, Korea, 2016.
Wan Jin Kim and Baek-Kyu Cho, "Walking control of humanoid robot based on the complementary filter is applied IMU sensor with PD control," in 11th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference (KRoC2016), Jan. 24-27, Pyeongchang, Gangwon, Korea, 2016.
Won-Suk Ji, Bong-Huan Jun and Baek-Kyu Cho, "Friction Compensation for high gear reduction system," in 11th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference (KRoC2016), Jan. 24-27, Pyeongchang, Gangwon, Korea, 2016.
Ji-Hyun Park, Jae-Soon Lee, Ju-Seong Shin, and Baek-Kyu Cho, “Design of a lower limb exoskeleton including roll actuation to assist walking and standing up”, in IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2015), Nov. 3-5, Seoul, Korea, 2015.
DongHyun Ahn and Baek-Kyu Cho, "Development of a walking algorithm and experiments on an exoskeleton robot to support a knee joint of hemiplegic patients," in 10th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference (KRoC2015), May. 5-8, Daejeon, Korea, 2015.
Seung Hoon Lee, In Won Cho, Wan Jin Kim, Ho Jin Jeon and Baek-Kyu Cho, "Goalpost recognition and Distinction algorithm with Camera Sensor and GeoMagnetic Sensor in Humanoid Robot" in 10th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference (KRoC2015), May. 5-8, Daejeon, Korea, 2015.
Yeun-Hee Kim, Seri Lee and Baek-Kyu Cho, "Design Teen-sized humanoid robots for robot soccer" in 10th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference (KRoC2015), May. 5-8, Daejeon, Korea, 2015.
Seri Lee, Yeun-Hee Kim and Baek-Kyu Cho, "Development of KUbot2, Humanoid Robot for Soccer, for High Speed Image Processing" in 10th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference (KRoC2015), May. 5-8, Daejeon, Korea, 2015.
Won-Suk Ji and Baek-Kyu Cho, "Design the Controllers for Walking of the hexapod robot LCR200" in 10th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference (KRoC2015), May. 5-8, Daejeon, Korea, 2015.
DongHyun Ahn and Baek-Kyu Cho, “Development of a sitting, standing, and walking algorithms and experiments on an exoskeleton robot to support a knee joint of hemiplegic patients”, in International BioMedical Engineering Conference 2014 (IBEC2014), Nov. 20-22, Gwangju, Korea, 2014.
Ji-Hyun Park, Jae-Soon Lee, and Baek-Kyu Cho, “Design of a Hip Joint of a Lower Limb Wearable Robot for Rehabilitation”, in International BioMedical Engineering Conference 2014 (IBEC2014), Nov. 20-22, Gwangju, Korea, 2014.
Jae-Soon Lee, Ji-Hyun Park, and Baek-Kyu Cho, “Development of a Lower-limb Wearable Robot to Assist Standing and Walking for Patients of Abnormal Gait”, in International BioMedical Engineering Conference 2014 (IBEC2014), Nov. 20-22, Gwangju, Korea, 2014.
Won-Suk Ji and Baek-Kyu Cho, “Development of a walking algorithm for stair formed obstacle for the Hexapod Walking Robot LCR200,” in 14th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2014), Oct. 22-25, KINTEX, Korea, 2014.
Jin-Young Kong, Jae-Soon Lee, Yeon-Sik Kang and Baek-Kyu Cho, "Development of a Robot-Technologies with Damage-Monitoring Performance for wind Turbine Blade," in 9th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference (KRoC2014), June. 19-21, Buyeo, Korea, 2014.
Won-Suk Ji and Baek-Kyu Cho, "Flatland walking of the hexapod robot LCR200," in 9th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference (KRoC2014), June. 19-21, Buyeo, Korea, 2014.
Jin-Young Kong, Yeon-Sik Kang, Kyng-Chul Han, Jin-Seop Song, Kyung-Ho Sun, and Baek-Kyu Cho, “A Modeling and Attitude Control of Robot for Wind Turbines,” in 13th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2013), Oct. 20-23, Gwangju, Korea, 2013.
Baek-Kyu Cho, “Development of a Hybrid Wearable Robot,” in the 7th World Congress on Biomimetics, Artifical Muscles and Nano-Bio(BAMN2013), Aug. 26-30, Jeju Island, South Korea, 2013.
Won-Suk Ji, Jin-Young Kong, and Baek-Kyu Cho, “A System Identification between Multi-Legged Underwater Robot ‘LCR200’ and Simulation Model,” 춘계해양공학회, 2013.
Baek-Kyu Cho, Sang-Sin Park, and Jun-Ho Oh, “Stabilization of a Hopping Humanoid Robot for a Push,” in Proceedings of 10th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Nashville, TN, USA, December 6-8, 2010.
Baek-Kyu Cho and Jun-Ho Oh, “Practical Experiment of Balancing for a Hopping Humanoid Biped against Various Disturbances,” in Proceedings of 2010 IEEE/RAS International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Taipei, Taiwan, October 18-22, 2010.
Baek-Kyu Cho, Sang-Sin Park, and Jun-Ho Oh, “Controllers for Running in the Humanoid Robot, HUBO,” in Proc. IEEE/RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Paris, France, Dec. 7-10, 2009.
Baek-Kyu Cho and Jun-Ho Oh, “Running Pattern Generation of Humanoid Biped in the Three-Dimensional Space and Its Realization,” in 2009 IEEE/ASME Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Singapore, Jul. 14-17, 2009.
Baek-Kyu Cho and Jun-Ho Oh, “Running Pattern Generation of Humanoid Biped with a Fixed Point and Its Realization,” in Proc. IEEE/RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Daejeon, Korea, 2008.
Baek-Kyu Cho and Jun-Ho Oh, “Controller Design and Experimental Approach on the Dynamic Walking on the Spot in Planar Biped Robot,” in Proc. IEEE/RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Pittsburgh, USA, 2007.
Jung-ho Lee, Jung-Yup Kim, Ill-Woo Park, Baek-Kyu Cho, Min-su Kim, In-Hyuck Kim, and Jun-Ho Oh, “Development of a Human-riding Humanoid Robot HUBO FX-1,” in Proceedings of SICE-ICCAS 2006, 2006.
Jung-Yup Kim, Ill-Woo Park, Jungho Lee, Min Su Kim, Baek-Kyu Cho, and Jun-Ho Oh, “System Design and Dynamic Walking of Humanoid Robot KHR-2,” in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation (ICRA), pp. 1443-1448. 2005.
DongHyun Ahn, Jaesoon Lee, and Baek-Kyu Cho, "점핑이 가능한 4족 로봇 PongBot-Q 개발", 로봇과 인간, 한국로봇학회, 2020.